Mixed Wine cases
Showing 73–84 of 84 results
This wine case contains 3 bottles of the red and 3 bottles of the white Guilhem from Moulin de Gassac. 2 very good Langedoc wines at good price!
Moulin de Gassac – mixed wine case 2×3 bottles
59.7€This mix champagne case includes 3 bottles of Pommery Brut Silver Royal and 3 bottles of the vintage champagne Grand Brut Royal. 2 fine-dining champagnes for special occasions !
275.0€"Ripasso" is a popular variant of the Italian Valpolicella wines. Here you have the opportunity to try three different varieties packed 3x2 bottles!
Ripasso – Mixed discovery case 3×2 bottles
113.4€Denna prisvärda vinlåda innehåller 3 rödviner från Sicilien och 3 italienska roséviner från Veneto i nord. En perfekt låda för hela middagen, från aperitif till osten !
Röd & rosé från Italien ! Blandad vinlåda 3×2 flaskor
For this wine case, we've selected the best quality rosé wines from Provence. 6 different premium rosés to discover during spring and summer time !
Rosé Fever ! Mixed case of Provence Rosé wines 1×6 bottles
77.9€Here's the opportunity to order 2 bottles of Château Kirwan cru classé from Margaux, 2 bottles of 2nd wine Charmes de Kirwan and 2 bottles of Château Fourcas-Hosten from the...
Special Bordeaux – Exclusive mixed wine case Château Kirwan & Château Fourcas hosten
297.0€This case includes 2 bottles from three different vineyards in Tuscany.
Speziale Toscana ! Mixed discovery case 3×2 bottles
The Burgundy box! Mixed winecase. 4 reds and 2 whites.
The Burgundy box! Mixed wine case 6×1 bottles
192.0€This case is for you who want good natural wines without sulfites, but also without compromising on taste. 3 wonderful, but different red wines with a personality that are done...
Triple Nature ! Mixed wine case 3×2 bottles
71.4€This discovery case includes 3 red wines of each kind from Vignoble Art Mas; 3 bottles of "Classic" and 3 bottles of "Il était une fois ..."
Vignoble Art Mas – Mixed discovery case 2×3 bottles
73.2€Here you will find a specially composed case of Italian wine which go particularily well with the mushroom season. The idea has been to offer six light wines which respect...
Vini di funghi! Mixed Italian case for the mushroom season.
65.6€This discovery case includes 3 bottles of Orus Negroamaro and 3 bottles of Orus Primitivo from Vinosia.